Medical Alert Devices That Can Help Keep Seniors Safe


Fallen seniorOne of the biggest concerns among families that have an elderly parent living alone is them falling down and needing help. The solution: A medical alert device – which is essentially a wireless hotline to help.

If you're in the market for a medical alert device, here's a breakdown of three different styles that can help you select one.

Monitored Alerts
The most popular medical alert systems available today are the ones that will connect your parent to a 24-hour emergency monitoring service when he or she needs help. These units come with waterproof "SOS" buttons – typically in the form of a necklace pendent or bracelet – and a base station that connects to their home phone line.

At the press of a button, your parent could call and talk to a trained operator through the system's base station receiver which works like a powerful speaker phone. The operator will find out what's wrong, and will notify family members, a neighbor, friend or emergency services as needed.

Philips LifelineIf you're interested in this type of alert, there are literally dozens of services to choose from. One of the most widely used is the Philips Lifeline Medical Alert Service (800-380-3111) which costs $35 per month, plus an $82 start-up fee. Phillips also offers a new Auto Alert option (for $48 per month) that has fall detection sensors in the SOS button that can automatically summon help without your mom ever having to press a button.

No-Fee Alerts
If you're looking for a cheaper option, consider a no-fee medical alert device that doesn't have professional monitoring services. These products, which also come with an "SOS" button and a home base station, are pre-programmed to dial personal contacts Freedom Alert(relatives, friends, caregivers or 911) if the SOS button is pushed. Most devices store about four phone numbers, and the system dials each number, one-by-one until a connection is made.

If you like this style, the Freedom Alert made by LogicMark (800-519-2419) is an excellent product that allows you to speak and listen directly through the SOS pendant, versus the base station speaker phone, which often makes for easier communication. The purchase price: $300, with no ongoing monthly fees.

Mobile Alerts
If your parent is interested in a device that works outside the home too, there are mobile products that will let him or her call for help anywhere. These pendent-style devices, which fit in the palm of your hand, work like little cell phones with GPS tracking capabilities.

5Star Urgent ResponseTo call for help, your parent would simply push one button, and an operator from the device's emergency monitoring service would be on the line to assist them. And because of the GPS technology they would know their exact location, which is critical in emergency situations.

The best product in this category is the new 5Star Urgent Response sold by GreatCall (800-733-6632) for $50 plus a $35 activation fee and $15 monthly service fees.

You also need to know that Medicare and most other insurance plans don't cover medical alert systems, although in some states Medicaid will if your mom receives Medicaid-funded homecare services.
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