Mobile Safety Products that Help Seniors On the Go



For years, medical alert devices (also known as personal emergency response systems or PERS) have been popular home safety products for elderly seniors that live alone. These systems come with a wearable SOS pendent button - usually a necklace or wristband - and a base station that connects to the home phone line.

At the press of a button, your loved one could call and talk to a trained operator through the system's base station receiver, which works like a powerful speakerphone. The operator will find out what's wrong, and will notify family members, a neighbor, friend or emergency services as needed.

But these devices are limited because they only work in and around the house. If you're away from home and need help, you're out of luck. But today, there are numerous mobile products that work anywhere. Here are some top options.

Overall System
If you're interested in getting a comprehensive medical alert device that works everywhere, the new Philips Lifeline GoSafe system is one of the best. It provides necklace pendent button, which works like a two-way communication device, allowing you to speak and listen directly through the pedant.

If you were to fall or need help at home, you could press the button and the home-base communicator system would be activated to make the call to the response center, who would then dispatch help as needed. But if you fell or needed help away from home, the systems AT&T wireless network would kick in and place the call.
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This system also has GPS satellite location tracking capabilities so the response center would always know your exact location. And it has fall detection sensors built into the pendent that can automatically summon help if a fall is detected and you are unable to push the button.

The GoSafe is available at lifelinesys.com (or 855-276-7761) for $149, with monthly services fees that start at $55.

Most Affordable
If the GoSafe system is more than you need, another top option that's easier on the budget is the GreatCall Splash, which costs only $50, with a $35 activation fee and monthly service fees that range between $20 and $35.

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This pendent-style waterproof device, which fits in the palm of your hand, works like a cell phone with GPS tracking capabilities, and can be worn on a belt, around the neck or attached to a key chain.

To call for help, you would push one button, and an operator from the device's emergency monitoring service would be on the line to assist her, and because of the GPS technology, your exact location would be known. Or, for even more peace of mind, there's the Splash with fall detection capabilities that will automatically call for help when a fall is detected.

The Splash can be purchased at GreatCall.com (or 800-733-6632), or at Walmart, Sears and Rite Aid Pharmacy stores.

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