What We Do
Savvy Senior is a media/information service devoted to baby boomers and senior citizens, and the families who support them. Savvy Senior offers unbiased information through a variety of outlets, including:
Syndicated column: Published in more than 300 newspapers and magazines across the country, Savvy Senior is the No. 1 information column written for boomers and seniors in the USA. (If you would like to read Savvy Senior in your local newspaper, contact your paper's Managing or Lifestyle Editor and request it be added.)
Television: Savvy Senior columnist Jim Miller is a frequent contributor to NBC's Today show and has made multiple appearances on CNN, CNBC and Retirement Living TV.
Radio: Broadcasted via Golden Age Entertainment in more than 1,000 senior centers throughout the U.S., Savvy Senior Radio provides weekly tips that can also be heard online.